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Good Planning Means Revenue • Scope it Out

With a well thought out web design, you can build a site that creates multiple streams of revenue. Many websites turn into online wastelands because the planning was never put into the design from the beginning. In time, the webmaster becomes unmotivated to update these sites and they become lost in… cyberspace.
September 19, 2011

The planning must begin with the optimization of the website. Try to divide your site into major blocks, ordered by themes, and start building new pages and subsections within the blocks. For example you may have a website design section, an entertainment section, and a blog section for a website design company. Once the blocks have been divided you can then write and publish relevant articles and insert them to their respective sections.

Once you have a broader, better defined scope of themes for your website, you can sell space on your pages to those interested i advertising. You can also add Google’s Ad sense and Yahoo search marketing advertisements to make some extra revenue. For this very reason, the advertisement blocks on your pages need to be relevant to the content, so a themed page fits that criteria perfectly.

As the internet continues to grow, advertising on the web will bear more results then on magazine or offline media. The best time to start tapping into this lucrative stream of profit is right now.

Written By • Jon D

Web Developer / Managing Director
Jon is a website designer in Flagstaff Arizona. He started with web design at the age of 17 where he created a website where he would test and choose the best software from around the internet. It was all hand coded with Homesite – at that time the best (in his humble opinion) HTML editor around. He believes in local economy, open source technology, and helps bring the best the internet has to offer to his clientelle.

Everything ‘By Design’

“People don’t use a product because of the great design; great design helps them use the product.
– Viran Anuradha Dayaratne

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