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Know Your Audience • It’s a Good Strategy

Understanding the types of people who visit your site is a rather important task. This information can help you enhance your site to suit the needs of your visitors. By enhancing your site, you gain more returning visitors and their loyalty.
September 3, 2011


When designing the layout of your site try and take into account the characteristics of your audience. Are they looking for trends or are they just looking for information offered with out all the icing on the cake?

Age Level

Try and determine the age level of your visitors. A follower of gardening may linger on a site for a time, but a professional may turn it’s nose at the very same site. In contrast, a child working on a school project may gather a small amount of information from an astronomy site filled with abstracts and mathematical information while a well educated university graduate may spend hours daily viewing all of the information the site has to offer.


If a very irritated customer comes to your site and searches for a solution… you will want to make sure you offer what the end user is looking for right up front and personal. This will cause the end user to find the solution to his or her problems and in turn envelope trust in you and your answers.

Written By • Jon D

Web Developer / Managing Director
Jon is a website designer in Flagstaff Arizona. He started with web design at the age of 17 where he created a website where he would test and choose the best software from around the internet. It was all hand coded with Homesite – at that time the best (in his humble opinion) HTML editor around. He believes in local economy, open source technology, and helps bring the best the internet has to offer to his clientelle.

Everything ‘By Design’

“Wisdom is knowing what to do next, skill is knowing how to do it, and virtue is doing it.
– David Starr

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