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Website Customization • Colors & Fonts

Customizing a website to fit to the standards of today can be a cumbersome task. The amount of technology available on the internet is tremendous and to stay up the current times is not as easy as it used to be. Here are a few things to look out for when designing a website to look professional.
September 6, 2011

Font Use

Keep the fonts with the formality of the website in mind. A business site should make the font as well readable and presentable as possible. A simple sans-serif type font would work well. On the other hand, a more artistic website, perhaps a fine art site, may want to use a more fanciful font in it’s work.

Website Theme

Make sure the theme of the website matches the company or organization it represents. If the website was made for a food company, it would make sense to stick to that particular category, rather than revert to a different theme.

Color Matching

Try and design the website with matching colors. If the theme of the website is darker than normal, try and keep the amount of bright colors to a minimum. Be sure to never mix two very different colors, such as yellow and purple.

Written By • Jon D

Web Developer / Managing Director
Jon is a website designer in Flagstaff Arizona. He started with web design at the age of 17 where he created a website where he would test and choose the best software from around the internet. It was all hand coded with Homesite – at that time the best (in his humble opinion) HTML editor around. He believes in local economy, open source technology, and helps bring the best the internet has to offer to his clientelle.

Everything ‘By Design’

“Geometry can produce legible letters, but art alone makes the beautiful. Art begins where geometry ends, and imparts to letters a character transcending mere measurement.
– Paul Standard

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